What Makes Treat-Eezi Seat Overlays So Popular For Wheelchair Users
Unfortunately, wheelchair users who have to sit in the same position for prolonged periods of time every day face a number of health issues. Studies have shown that sitting for hours on end can cause your blood to flow less efficiently and it can also cause damage to the skin and underlying tissue on the buttocks and the back of the thighs.
Many wheelchair users are very conscious of these things and they will look for ways that they can reduce the likelihood of them suffering from common problems such as pressure ulcers. In addition to trying to shift their weight and reposition themselves frequently in an effort to encourage blood circulation and evenly distribute pressure, it isn’t uncommon for people to purchase additional wheelchair cushions too.
There are a number of different wheelchair cushions available on the market these days and, as you may expect, some are more beneficial than others. One particular cushion that is becoming increasingly common to use in a wheelchair is the Treat-Eezi seat overlay and below we have looked into what makes it so popular amongst wheelchair users.
It can be placed on top of any wheelchair cushion
The Treat-Eezi seat overlay is designed to be used on top of any foam-based seating surface and it can be used in conjunction with any standard 2”, 3” or 4” foam wheelchair cushion. Many like the fact that whilst the overlay is made from 4 layers with thousands of fibres in each layer, it isn’t bulky and it won’t negatively impact the comfort of sitting in a wheelchair. When using the Treat-Eezi seat overlay, it is unlikely that you will have to adjust your arm or foot rests.
It is hard wearing and long-lasting
Unlike other wheelchair cushions, the Treat-Eezi seat overlay is incredibly hard wearing and the internal polyester fibres work in such a way to achieve minimal shearing. When purchasing a seat overlay, you receive a 2 year manufacturing warranty too, so you won’t have to worry about needing to invest in another cushion any time soon. Whilst it is long-lasting, it is still lightweight and very comfortable to use on a frequent basis as well.
It provides better airflow when sitting
One of the main reasons why people are attracted to the Treat-Eezi seat overlay is because it is designed to conform to the naturally body contours in a seated position and it offers pressure relief to help prevent poor blood flow and skin breakdown. However, this particular wheelchair cushion is also proven to reduce the users temperature and it has an overall cooling effect too. When sitting on this seat overlay, air flow will be improved and it will help you to avoid sweating.
It is easy and convenient to wash
For many wheelchair users, this is one of the biggest benefits to the Treat-Eezi seat overlay as lots of other standard cushions aren’t machine washable and being able to easily wash this overlay makes it convenient to use. Not only can the seat overlay itself be washed to keep it clean, but you can even purchase a vapour permeable cover too which can simply be wiped over with any non-abrasive disinfectant. It couldn’t be easier to keep this seat overlay clean.
It is proven to help heal existing wounds
A lot of the time, not only are wheelchair users looking for ways that they can help to prevent pressure ulcers, but many are conscious to find a cushions that they can use to help heal any existing wounds they may have too. The Treat-Eezi seat overlay is able to tick all boxes in this regard and many are happy to know that it has been proven by the NHS to help heal grade 2, 3 and 4 open wounds as well.
Purchasing Treat-Eezi seat overlays
Ultimately, if you spend a long period of time sitting in a wheelchair every day then it goes without saying that it is worthwhile looking into Treat-Eezi seat overlays in more detail. It is easy to see why they are so popular amongst wheelchair users and it is no surprise that many are choosing to purchase them. If you’d like to find out more about Treat-Eezi products in general, please visit the Dan Medica South Limited website today.
Here you will be able to read more about all of the different wheelchair cushions we provide and you can find out more about how the popular Treat-Eezi seat overlay actually works. If you have any questions at all about using an additional cushion on your wheelchair, don’t hesitate to contact our knowledgeable team who will be able to assist you further. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you to feel more comfortable in your wheelchair.